Modeling Healthy Social Skills for Students

Responsibility & Accountability

Take Responsibility for Mistakes

As educators and mentors, it's crucial to lead by example and take ownership of our mistakes. Demonstrating accountability fosters honesty and integrity in the learning environment. 

Demonstrate a Growth Mindset

Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities. By openly acknowledging and learning from our errors, we instill resilience and a growth mindset in students. All too often, students are afraid of the word 'failure.' We must teach students that 'failure' does not have to be seen as negative but rather as an opportunity to learn and grow.


Expressing genuine apologies teaches students the importance of empathy and humility. When we make amends for our actions, we show respect for others and reinforce the value of accountability. 

Expressing Gratitude


Encourage the practice of expressing gratitude through written notes or messages. Modeling this behavior demonstrates appreciation for others' efforts and contributions, fostering a positive and supportive community. 

To do this, you can encourage students to write thank you notes, kindness cards to those who may need a pick-me-up, or positive messages around the building on sticky notes or paper hearts. 

Dr. Bryant Stone, co-author of the Empowered & Poised Life Skills Curriculum, conducted a study that demonstrated the positive impact of writing gratitude letters. To read the full study click HERE. 


Verbal expressions of gratitude can also be powerful. Taking the time to acknowledge and thank others verbally reinforces the importance of valuing and recognizing the efforts of those around us.

One of my favorite ways to do this is to nominate students or staff members using the ‘Good Choice Awards.’ A Good Choice Award is when students or staff members are recognized during the morning announcements for making positive decisions, and they receive a prize as a reward for their good behavior or actions. It's a way to celebrate and encourage positive behavior within the school community while improving school culture. 

Managing Emotions

Share Your Feelings

Modeling healthy emotional expression involves openly sharing our feelings with students. By demonstrating vulnerability, we create a safe space for students to express themselves authentically. Of course, you must use your professional judgment regarding when self-disclosure is appropriate and when it is best avoided.

Model Coping Skills

Demonstrate effective coping mechanisms when faced with challenging emotions. Whether it's taking a pause, deep breathing, or engaging in dialogue, modeling these strategies equips students with valuable tools for emotional regulation.

The Impact of Modeling Healthy Social Skills

As educators and mentors, our actions speak louder than words. By modeling healthy social skills, embracing accountability, expressing gratitude, and managing our emotions, we empower our students to navigate the complexities of social interactions with confidence and resilience.

Empowered & Poised

Leah B., CEO of Empowered & Poised, Seeking to empower young girls & women to be their truest self

Kindness Activities for Kids


Nurturing Healthy Boundaries: A Guide for Educators